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11 must-read posts about blogger outreach


Over the last month, I’ve received a number of pitches and worked on a couple of client outreach campaigns. So, blogger outreach has been top of mind with me recently.

That said, from what I’ve seen first-hand and what I’ve heard from others, we’re still missing the mark a bit when it comes to effective blogger outreach. The stories of success are still far fewer than those of frustration from bloggers.

So, I thought it might be time to revisit of few of the more thoughtful and pointed posts about how to organize and implement an effective blogger outreach plan. I’ve listed 11 of those posts I’ve found most interesting below.

A number of them are “how-to”-type posts. A few others are stories of blogger outreach campaigns gone bad (we can learn a lot from failure). And, as you’ll see, I’m including a couple of my posts about this topic at the bottom (after all, it is my list, right? ;):

Six steps to running a successful blogger outreach program (love the timelines here) – Monica O’Brien

Should you be pitching me? – Valeria Maltoni

How to reach out to bloggers (Chris’ “don’t push” lesson is a good one)- Chris Brogan

Rethinking Blogger Relations – Dave Fleet

10 steps to building a better blogger relations program (love the “Cs of blogger relations” Brian talks about here) – Brian Solis

This is how you pitch a blogger (the value of a good lead) – Adam Singer

A pitching lesson (a few “what not to do” lessons from CC) – CC Chapman (on Todd Defren’s PR Squared blog)

Tips for Marketing to the Mom crowd – Don’t Drink the Kool-Aid blog

Anatomy of a bad pitch (outlining problems AND solutions) – Dave Fleet

Ready to pitch a blog? Take this quiz first (older post, but certainly still valid today) – Bad Pitch Blog

How to pitch bloggers (few additional dos and don’ts from B.L.) – B.L. Ochman

4 reasons your blogger outreach program shouldn’t be about leads – Arik Hanson

11 tips for building an effective blogger outreach list – Arik Hanson

Photo courtesy of HStar55 via FlickR Creative Commons.



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