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HAPPO Hour: The first-ever face-to-face HAPPO event


12 months ago, a number of PR bloggers started a movement: Help a PR Pro Out. Our first event (last Feb.) resulted in more than 250 blog posts and 10,000 social mentions. Since then, we’ve had two additional Twitter chats, watched a steady stream of HAPPO tweets sharing jobs every day and witnessed a vibrant community take off on LinkedIn.

But, later this month, we’re taking HAPPO to the next level by organizing our first U.S.-wide live and in-person HAPPO Hour chat.

As you know, online networking can only take you so far. We know that. But, we also recognize that online networking represents a key way to meet new people more quickly. So, why not marry the two so we can take some of those relationships we’ve built online and cement them by meeting the people in real life?

That’s exactly what we aim to do with HAPPO Hour later this month.

Here are the details:

What is it? The HAPPO Hour chat will be one part Twitter chat and one-part in-person networking event (in select markets–see below).

When is this HAPPO Hour? We’re hold the first-ever HAPPO Hour on Thursday, Feb. 24 from 4-6 p.m. CT. (Note: Some in-person networking events may be held at different times, but fairly close to the 4-6 p.m. CT timeframe. Check with your local HAPPO champion for more details).

Where will the in-person HAPPO Hour events be held? So far, the following HAPPO champions are organizing events in the following markets:

* Mike Schaffer (@mikeschaffer), Washington, D.C. (event scheduled for 6-8 p.m. at Ping Pong Dim Sum)

* Gini Dietrich (@ginidietrich), Chicago (event scheduled for 5-7 p.m. at Arment Dietrich)

* Anne Buchanan (@annebuchanan), Philadelphia (event scheduled for 4-6 p.m. at Buchanan PR office)

* Abbie Fink (@abbief), Phoenix (event scheduled for 5 p.m. at Morton’s in Phoenix)

* Arik Hanson (@arikhanson), Minneapolis (event scheduled for 5-7 p.m. at Fast Horse in Minneapolis)

* Nikki Stephan (@nikkistephan), Detroit (event scheduled from 5-7 p.m. at Identity PR offices in Detroit)

* Kellye Crane (@kellyecrane), Katie Wall (@ktwall), Jeremy Porter (@journalistics), Atlanta (event scheduled for 6-8 p.m. at Front Page News in Atlanta)

* Deanna Ferrari (@dferrari), Pittsburgh (event scheduled for 6-8 at Bar Louie Station Square)

* Valerie Simon (@valeriesimon), @prcog, Tiffany Winbush (@tiffanypr) and Deirdre Breakenridge (@dbreakenridge) in New York City (event scheduled for 6-8 p.m. at Connolly’s Pub)

* Jamie Flore (@jfloer) in Orlando (event scheduled for 6-8 p.m. at Citrus Restaurant)

* John Sternal (@jsternal) in south Florida (event scheduled for 6-8 p. at Tarpon Bend)

What can I expect? Each in-person HAPPO Hour event will most likely be a little different. Some will be more informal than others. You may participate in mock interviews. You may have a chance for a HAPPO champ or other pros to review your resume. And you certainly will have the chance to meet a whole bunch of folks in your local market. Contact your local HAPPO champion for more details.

When will you have more information on the HAPPO Hour events? Soon. Contact your local HAPPO champion for specific details about an event in your market.

What if my market doesn’t have an event planned? If you’d like to volunteer to coordinate/host an event in your market, drop me (arik.hanson@gmail.com) or Valerie Simon (valeriesimon@gmail.com) a note for more information.

What about the Twitter chat? That’s still going to happen–definitely. So, if you can’t make the in-person event in your market or don’t happen to live in a major market, you can still participate via Twitter.

We look forward to seeing you on Feb. 24–or at the very least “seeing” you on Twitter (using the #happo hash tag, remember).



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