Home Blog PR Should we be promoting our clients through social media channels–revisited

Should we be promoting our clients through social media channels–revisited


Last week, I posted about a topic I’ve been thinking about for a while now: Should agencies/consultants promote their clients via their social media channels? The conversation stirred up quite a few thoughts–and I highlighted that in the post. But, it also caught the attention of Janet Fouts and Steve Farnsworth, two people I’ve come to know over the years from out West. The host a weekly Google Hangout called “The Friday Hangout” that they asked me to participate in.

We talked about this particular topic (along with Allen Mireles and Adam Helweh) and it was interesting to get the opinions of the group–specifically Steve who challenged my thinking. Here’s the broadcast, if you have a free 30 minutes. What do you think?



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