When you're one of the largest tax consulting/preparation companies in the country, there are certain events that come up...
Arik’s Social Media Blog
Arik’s social media blog has been in publication for more 12 years and recognized by industry outlets like PRWeb and PRWeek as one of today’s leading industry blogs. With 1,500+ posts, his content is frequently syndicated on popular sites like PR Daily, Social Media Today, Business Insider and Ragan.com.
It’s time to dispel the notion that solo consultants don’t make great full-time employees
A couple weeks ago, I had a conversation with a colleague I've heard far too often over the last eight years since I began...
Introducing Talking Points Mini-Strategy Sessions
For the last few years, I've heard a few common refrains among friends and colleagues working for smaller and mid-sized...
#HeForShe: 5 women who made a big impact on my career (but may not know it)
If you’ll remember, a few months ago I made a commitment to supporting the #HeForShe movement. One way I committed to doing...
7 ways to get more mileage for your trade show social content AFTER the show
A few weeks ago, I attended my first trade show on behalf of a client in three years. It was a rather large trade show and...
We’ve got a serious problem with bots in social media marketing
Lately, there's been a lot of hand-wringing over the drop in Facebook usage. And while the big blue network is definitely...
What would you do if Facebook really did fail?
There's been an awful lot of hand-wringing about Facebook lately. Edison Research released a report last week claiming...
Social Media Rock Stars: Cargill’s Sue Serna
I first heard the name "Sue Serna" a couple years ago from my clients at Cargill. Since then, her name has started to pop...
There’s no excuse for not responding to that coffee invite
As an independent consultant, I have coffee with a lot of people in any given year. In fact, I just blogged about 14 people...
10 social media blogs and e-newsletters I suggest following
As an independent consultant, a big part of my job is keeping my clients one step ahead when it comes to social media...