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Bloggers: Don’t waste your time writing for Medium (but do read it)


Last month, Ev Williams (you remember him, founded a little thing called Twitter) unveiled to us his most recent project: Medium.

Billed as “a better place to read and write things that matter” Medium is, for all intents and purposes, another blogging platform (this Nieman post breaks it down nicely). Yeah, it does seem like a cross between Tumblr and Pinterest to an extent. But really, it’s just simplified blogging (leave it to Ev).

And bloggers should run screaming.


Why? Because Medium puts topics and content in front of authorship. That’s how you discover content on the platform. By “collections”, as they call them.

So, authorship is devalued. Medium wants to focus on quality content. Good for them. Bad for you (as a content creator).

Oh–also, by posting on Medium you are, in fact, handing over your content keys to Ev and the Medium team. Don’t believe me? Read their privacy policy. And remember, much like Twitter, it is still a third-party platform (unlike your hosted blog, which you OWN).

Now, I should say, as a READER, there’s a lot to like about Medium.

As a READER, I love the “collections” concept (my favorite: Boinkology 101–and yes, it is about what you think it’s about).

As a READER, I also love the little designations that tell you how long a read each post is (i.e., “4 min read”)–perfect for folks like me who have a defined timeframe to read each day.

And, as a READER I like that it’s kinda like Digg for a blogging community. The community “recommends” posts up or down, so those that have that quality Williams is looking for will invariably bubble to the top.

I also love the little notes (comments) you can leave to the side of posts you read. Simple. Smart. And adds more context (much like comments do)–but in a bit different way.

But, as a BLOGGER, I cannot recommend you get involved with Medium. I just don’t see the upside.

So, by all means, take a look around Medium. Incorporate it into your daily/weekly reading regiment (I have and consistently find good stuff). Enjoy the new voices.

Just don’t think about posting original content on Medium.



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