This week I’m in Atlanta for the first-ever Solo PR Summit–organized by friend and fellow solo PR, Kellye Crane. After a great first day, I’m bracing for day two which incudes presentations from folks like Mark Schaefer, Tom Martin, Kami Huyse and Kevin Dugan.
Yeah, it’s like that. Solo PR style, y’all.
Yesterday, my friend Heather Whaling and I presented on the topic of integrating a traditional and digital PR campaign–for a solo PR pro. Might not seem like a groundbreaking topic, but for a solo pro, an integrated plan can be tough to pull off–and a lot of work.
In the presentation below, Heather and I break down five areas (launches, events, non-news times, blogger outreach and crisis communication) where you have opportunities to integrate. And, we tell you how we did it with a few of our clients.
Each area is broken down by business challenge, our process, results and “tweetable tips.”
Hope you enjoy–and can take something away from the deck (whether you’re a solo or now).