It’s been a while since our last official HAPPO event. 7 months to be exact (our last event was on 4/30). But, if you’ve been watching, HAPPO hasn’t really lost all that much steam. Check out the Twitter stream on any given day. You’ll find anywhere from 30-50 tweets sharing jobs, opportunities and resources online. Exactly what HAPPO was intended to do.
Or, check out the HAPPO LinkedIn group–much more active recently. People sharing–and looking for–jobs on a platform designed for just that.
But, the intent was always to have more regular, more organized events. So, come the second week of Dec. we’re back at it. And, just in time for a fresh, new year.
On Wed., Dec. 8 we’ll host our next HAPPO chat (on Twitter) from 8-9 p.m. CT. The theme for this chat? New Year’s Resolutions for PR Job Seekers–How to land a job in 2011. HAPPO champs from across the country (we’re at 35+ now!) will contribute to the discussion sharing tried-and-true job-seeking tips, resume building suggestions and interviewing advice. Look for posts from some of the HAPPO champs across the country in the weeks ahead sharing personal stories and advice. And, be sure to tune in on Dec. 8 at 8 p.m. using the #happo hash tag.
But, we’re not quite done yet.
In late January, we’ll be organizing our first-ever online and offline “HAPPO Hour” event. The idea? To get job seekers, mentors, recruiters, agency/corporate PR leaders, and folks generally interested in helping the HAPPO cause, together in person for a couple hours in a number of U.S. cities to talk about job search strategies, resume tips and other job-search-related issues.
We’re in the process of organizing this event right now. We don’t have a specific date or time set quite yet, but we are hoping to have more information to share during the Dec. 8 HAPPO chat. For now, if you’re interested in hosting an in-person event in your city on Jan. 27, please contact myself or Valerie Simon directly and we’ll put you in touch with the HAPPO champ in your area.
In the meantime, be sure to visit the HAPPO LinkedIn Group or Twitter (using the #happo hash tag) and share a job or job search tip. Your contributions continue to make a big difference!