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New Talking Points Podcast with General Mills’ Kevin Hunt


Last year when friend and colleague, Kevin Hunt, approached me about a potential podcast, I was a bit skeptical.

Does anyone listen to podcasts anymore? (answer: YES!)

Do I have the time? (answer: We’ll find out!)

And why would we want to compete with the likes of Shel Holtz, Jay Baer and Joe Pulizzi for attention? (answer: I’m not sure)

Talking Pts Podcast

But, after kicking around ideas and putting things on hold for a while, we decided to give it a go this year.

The timing just felt right. And we’re just deciding to jump in and see how it goes.

That said, we do have a structure and an approach.

We’ll try to keep the podcast to 30 minutes or less–we know you’re all busy. But, we also know many of you have “downtime” that you are filling with podcasts like this. We hope you’ll consider subscribing to ours.

We’re going to cover a mix of trends, news and case studies–those relevant from a PR, social media or digital marketing perspective.

And, we’ll hopefully have guests on at some point in the near future. After we get our sea legs and figure out a few things.

For now, it’ll just be Kevin and I. And, I think that’s an interesting mix. On one hand you have a senior-level perspective within one of the largest companies in the U.S. (General Mills).

On the other, you have a solo consultant who works with a mix of smaller, local companies, and national behemoth brands (Walmart, Sleep Number and Walgreens, for starters).

As far as I know, no other podcast in our industry can provide that mix of perspective (in fact, I’m not sure I know of too many others who even have a single person who represents a big brand like General Mills).

And that’s what I think will make our podcast worth listening to. At least, I hope so.

So, I hope you’ll give us a listen. After all, it’s only 30 minutes.

Here’s a link to the first podcast (the embed’s not working–sorry).

If you like what you hear, subscribe. If you don’t, let us know what you would like to hear instead. We’re not married to our format, and we’d love suggestions.

Happy listening!

Show notes

“Study: Social Media is Not a Trusted Media Source for PR Pros”


“Survey of 1000+ Bloggers: How to Be in the Top 5%”


“GE becomes legitimate online news publisher”


“Forrester Research Shows Companies Must Crack Social Customer Service in Order to Survive”


“Facebook ran an A/B test. Get out the torches and pitchforks!”


“Five reasons to be freaked out by the Facebook experiment”


“#32Under32 Winners”




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