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Top 10 posts on Communications Conversations in 2012


Adam Singer had a great post on Google+ last week giving everyone a nice shortcut for bloggers for listing out your top 10 posts from the last year.

I’ve always been a big fan of Adam’s numerous strategies for taking existing assets and “repurposing” them. In effect, getting more “bang for his blogging buck” (like that alliteration?).

So, while I’m off hanging with my family this week (my first week-plus off in three-plus years), I thought I’d give you the top 10 posts from Communications Conversations in 2012.

Some posts that show up in my “top 10” list I’m not surprised by. The “Keeping up with social media” post–that’s a hot topic that impacts virtually all of us. The “10 skills” post–that’s another one I had a feeling would resonate.

But some of the others intrigued me–and I’ve learned a thing or two from them throughout the year.

The Twitter brand header example post–these kinds of resource posts always do well. Instead of posting about “how” to change your Twitter header at the time (which everyone was posting about), I thought this was a better tack.

The Breaking Bad quote post–that was really just an experiment. I was testing the notion that if I paired a pop culture TV show with a post that I’d get a bunch of traffic from the search terms (which I did–not that it’s the best traffic for me). I toyed again with this recently with my Walking Dead post.

Here’s a look at the rest of the list:

10-25 Twitter brand header examples


9-Keeping up with social media in 30 minutes a day or less


8-18 compelling stats to help you sell your boss on Pinterest


7-15 up-and-coming PR pros to watch in 2012


6-Why half of all PR students will be working at BK within 3 years


5-29 terms we obvi need to totes elim from our lexicon forever


4-13 most fascinating people in digital marketing in 2012


3-19 famous quotes that sum up PR


2-10 Breaking Bad quotes that sum up the Facebook IPO


1-10 skills the PR pro of the future must have






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